Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello World

Hi my name is Jayson. I am a journalist. I have spent my most recent years being educated by some of this countries top journalistic writers only to find out that once I am in the real world style is more important than truth.

What does that mean? Well if you work at Fox it seems you bend to the right. If you work at NPR you probably bend to the left.

In neither place do you really get the truth, it's usually just some glossed over fact giving that really just scratches the surface.

Remarkable isn't it. As I looked at my options as a journalist I saw that I did not fit in to either the round or square holes.

I saw a great play one night, Dangerous Corners, by J.B. Priestly. In that play someone is writing about the sleeping dog. The old saying we all are familiar with is, "let sleeping dogs lie". That pretty much sums up journalism for me.

However, in this play one of the characters states, while you might want to let sleeping dogs lie, should you wake it you will find out the truth.

And there my friends is where I had my epiphany and decided to start a blog called, You can't handle the truth.

I am hoping that we as Americans can discuss what we see, hear and sense, and bring a more truthful light to what happens around us, be it in government, sports, entertainment, etc. lets tell keep no secrets, lets face the truth head on and keep the faith.

Have a great labor day weekend.

Your friend in truth,
